Samples of Photoshop Art

Hello Everyone,

I have been experiencing a hiatus lately but this is why; I’ve been in school…


I have put some of the art I have been working on in this post. Hope you enjoy!

Last Project de la croix 27.jpg

A De la Croix that I tried to replicate. I have been busy with school and that is no lie.

Jessica 16 Die Sculpture

I went for realistic here and I like the feel of it.

Jessica Malone landscapen.jpg

Going out and shooting this was fun, but remaking it was challenging and fun.Ruth ColoredSage RealisticSage Drawing basic 01

The first two are finished drawings upon a 3d model and the third one is the original model. These were scary until you edit out the giant mouth.

Well that is all for today don’t forget to be awesome and I’ll have more soon. ByuBye!